On 9/17/02, an historic event happened on the PopUPTimes Message Boards. A group of camping friends accidentally
assembled and spontaneously formed a new club without really knowing it. Here's an account of how it went:
It began with a simple entry from SactoCampers:
Regarding the popupclub name, I'm rethinking whether I like NCPUC or some variation of that. It just seems too.....blah.
Looking at the variations of those types of names on the message board, it just doesn't draw me in. I'd like something with
a little more character, something like "On the Road Again Campers." That conveniently makes a pronouncible acronym (ORAC).
A controversy begins to brew, should it only allow popuppers? Sammyslave chimes in:
I really don't give a rat's behind what the people that I'm sharing time with are driving or pulling as long as we are
having fun. When I'm away from work I really want to decompress and be able to avoid any and all conflicts.
SactoCampers responds with:
Of course anybody else who wants to come along to our outings, regardless of RV type is welcome in my book...especially
friends and family.
Y-Guy then submits:
As for a name I was thinking of the following, North Central California Non-Exclusive PopUp & Hybrid Camping Organization
of Friendly Folks, or NCCNEPHCOFF for short.
SactoCampers likes it:
Hey, that's pretty good! Of course, the correct way to pronounce that would be Nick-Nef-Cough."
Civil War Buff is a little nervous about being excluded:
Now to the "name"....I believe that the creator has instilled in us the desire to be social, (by creator, I do NOT mean
Creator, I mean Dave at PUT), to share our PU experiences and the like. In looking at the exclusion criteria, I think that
if the trailer is included on the PUT site, it is admissible into the group. I like "Nik NeK Koff", however Brian says it.
Surfcal, a known rabble-rouser, joins the fray:
I vote for Nick-neff-cough. It's unique and I can't imagine anyone else has used that term before, so I think we're safe.
The moniker will be the pride of the group.
Now it's becoming a society with a need for a strong leader. SactoCampers is on top of it:
Nick-Neff-Cough will definitely need some kind of spiritual/emotional leader...say a worthy consul or a grand poobah. Probably
somebody who has gone through several iterations of tow vehicles and RVs within the last several months. That person should
probably have two sons ages around 7 and 4 and be able to make ice cubes from his Nick-neff-cough vehicle. HHmmmmmmmm......does
anyone come to mind?
So by default, the fearless interim leader is Y-Guy until an official plebiscite is held. But as with all organizations,
there are other considerations. Surfcal and Sammyslave start us off:
We need to design a flag too.
How about a special finger sign along with the handshake. Have to be cool though so that the kids can participate.
Then Red Barchetta, watching from the sidelines, can't believe the revolution that's happening right before
his very eyes. It is a special moment he acknowledges and is in awe.
The name and pronunciation are outstanding and unique! Talk of a flag, Brian has become a Google star now and probably
will forget all about us, talk of the great and all knowing Dave, a possible secret handshake
Surfcal toils to come up with a founding principle for posterity and came out with this original PRERAMBLE.
We the Campers of the Nick-neff-coughs (or whatever), in order to form a more perfect camping club, establish Rallies,
insure site assignment Tranquility, provide for the common Potluck, promote the general Message Board, and secure the blessings
of Liberty to roll anytime and camp, do ordain and establish this Institution for the North Central California Non-Exclusive
PopUp & Hybrid Camping Organization of Friendly Folks of Pop Up Times.
Struck by the profoundness of the message, SactoCampers endorses it:
I think we're really starting to make some progress.
Inspired, mnikoley (aka Nick) is moved, inspired enough to write a club anthem to the tune of the Battle Hymn
of the Republic.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the setting of the sun,
We have strung our tacky lights,
We have gathered all the
We are gathered round the fire as we drink our alcohol,
Nick-neff-cough is camping now!
And the people saw the greatness of this new nation. Civil War Buff says it for all.
Please let's not forget that we can can have "coins" made up and coupons (like currency) and with all the rest we can make
a very risky "Declaration" to the rest that we are special. A small army, er, I mean "security" group could provide protection
for the group while camping and the like. I think PTown could head something like that up. Hey what about a "pledge of a grievance"?
Wow, I can really see something coming together here. Hail Sacto, the Nick-neff-cough will live!!
In conclusion, CWB summarizes what we're all about:
"we actually pride ourselves in the sheer volume of food that a small group can produce. One thing is for certain though,
it can never be said that ANYONE left hungry because "they" ran out of food at the potluck!!"
...and thus, the seeds of a camping club were sown..