Red Neff Barchetta:
Well, we made it home safely.
What an amazing area and wonderful people
this w/e!
It sure was a bummer to be driving away from Tahoe. Hwy. 50 sure is
amazing on either side of Echo summit.
Makes you want to go rock
climbing or hiking or something like that.
Just thought I'd chime in real quick. Laundry
to do, drop off the
PU, baths, etc...
What a great turnout!
I'll check back later.
We rolled in about four hours ago, what a great weekend!!!!! You are
so great! This trip we got to meet some new people, reaquaint
with others and look so forward to the next trip out.
TMM for organizing, great location and thanks for the hard
Thanks to G and R I made it into the HAHA Sisterhood,
now I feel like
a REAL member!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My teenagers we talking about that
all the way home (something about
a dorky flashlight campfire).
Hope all are home and safe, our So Cal friends should chime in soon.
pcmom (newest member):
After spending a few hours in Sacramento with my sister's family, we are
finally home. It was great meeting everyone and the kids all had a good time too! We look forward to seeing many
of you again at Collins Lake.
Rojana....we need to email privately to discuss "activities" at Collins....we've
come up with some "fun" things to do - but must keep secret from the others :-)
SCCS (Scott) just how "slow" were you going when you zoomed by us????
Well, we were joking about nothing breaking on the van when we got into
Sacramento but said we weren't home yet - running joke now that every time we go camping something goes out on the van.......well,
the "service engine light" came on!!! We are hoping that it is the O2 or Throttle sensors since they will be replaced
tomorrow (parts didn't come in until Friday). We also stopped at the CAT scales finally to weigh the package and it
isn't pretty.....time to start looking for a truck!
I better go and get kids in the shower, laundry done, oh and unload the
Michelle (pcmom)
The Sactocampers got home safe and sound. Caravaned home with Holly. It's
nice knowing you've got somebody behind you to help you change lanes or help out if something goes wrong. We caravaned togetheruntil
we hit Placerville where we decided to hit the In N Out burger. We were hungry, so I had to get myself a double-double. I
even went through the drive through.
Had a great weekend. Scott, thanks for organizing this event. It was
a great
location with lots of things to do for the kids. Jennifer and
I kept talking about how we wish we could have stayed another
day to just relax at the campground or go on another hike. She definitely
wants to go back there sometime. I also appreciate
the group
discount, after seeing their regular price :>) (which I would still
willingly pay.)
I also want
to put in a plug for block ice. I don't know if I'm the
last one to discover it, but block simply doesn't melt in a Coleman
Extreme cooler. I put one block in there and it was still frozen
solid when we returned home.
Sounds like everyone
else had a good time, too.